ECDO, Inc's Forever Harlem movement embraces all that is new and exciting about Harlem and its continued growth and revitalization. We have successful, relevant, and hands-on experience providing services that speak to the needs of all of Harlem's residents and children, through ECDO Early Childhood Education and Daycare Services including Universal Pre-K; Young Adults through our Youth Mentoring Program and all residents of Harlem through our Employment Services and the extensive development of Affordable Housing and Home Ownership.
Housing and Community Development
ECDO, Inc. emerged as a principal in tenant organizing in 1989, when TIL (Tenant Interim Lease) tenants and local civic leaders formed the Community Board # 9/TIL Coalition. Since then, ECDO’s involvement in issues involving affordable housing has been ongoing. ECDO has developed over 600 units of affordable housing throughout Harlem and over 20,000-sq. ft. of commercial storefronts.
Listed below are projects that ECDO has developed into affordable rental and first-homeowner housing opportunities
Head Start
Childhood Education
ECDO is dedicated to helping the growing children in our communities. We have two full days, year-round Head Start preschool programs for children between the ages of 2.9 yrs - 5yrs old. The ECDO Child Start Center and ECDO ACP Early Learn Center, dubbed Site One and Site Two respectively, are located in Harlem. Our Head Start Preschools also house the 3K and 4k programs. If you want to learn more about what each program offers, please get in touch with the respective Family Service Coordinator.
ECDO is committed to the safety, health, and welfare of our clients and students. Thus, all ECDO staff are required to be fully vaccinated.
High School Youth
Our High School Youth Program, Forever Harlem After School Enrichment provides academic support and enrichment to all high school students from grades through 12. In addition, the Counselor Advocate engages in mentoring students and helping students to become college ready. We have worked extensively with students and teachers from Harlem Village Academies High.
The High School Youth Program is currently being redeveloped and restructured, so come back soon to see the workings of our new program!